Yes, I did say acupuncture. The shelter veterinary staff stays current with methods of treatment for our shelter guests. While acupuncture is probably not for every animal in the shelter, some of our guests do benefit from alternative forms of treatment. Wesley and Sunkist, in previous Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter stories, receive acupuncture treatments at the shelter. Wesley has an assortment of medical needs, none of which require medications at this time. Sunkist is a tripod cat with some back end paralysis. Both of these pets receive acupuncture treatments on a sporadic schedule at the shelter. The results of these treatments greatly add to their quality of life. Acupuncture is not an expense of Friends as the veterinary staff that we use provide it as a matter of medical routine for these animals. The animals that do receive acupuncture have received the benefits of Friends covering their medical specialty visits.