Cats that come into the shelter often appear with some type of medical condition. Of course, the shelter medical staff works diligently to determine the concern and to address the care that is needed. Sometimes the care needed exceeds the scope of care that the shelter can provide. Such is the case for Simba and Fozzie. These two boys, not related in any way, came into the shelter within a year of each other. They presented with some concerns of urinary obstruction. Various tests to determine the reason for the obstruction were completed. To address the obstruction, a surgery called a perineal urethrostomy, or PU, was needed to allow easier urination and to prevent any further obstructions. Both boys received the surgery at a local veterinary office, and the surgeries were covered by Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter. Follow-up care was then provided by the shelter staff. Simba has fully recovered and has since found his forever home. Fozzie is still in recovery at the shelter and will be available for adoption when he is medically cleared. Both surgeries were deemed successful and now Simba and Fozzie can enjoy a wonderful life.