Sunkist came to the shelter as a stray kitten after being hit by a car. He could not walk or urinate on his own. For several months, the shelter staff and volunteers nursed him back to health and he regained the use of his right leg. Unfortunately, his left leg remained paralyzed and became wounded from being dragged behind him as he walked. The decision was made to amputate that leg to alleviate pain and to give him better mobility. Along with the leg problem, Sunkist was not consistently urinating on his own and needed to have his bladder expressed manually a few times daily. Sunkist was also evaluated by a neurologist, covered by Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter, for more input on his long term outcomes. He stated that while Sunkist will need a special family that is able to work with his special needs, he is a very adoptable and loving cat. Sunkist remains at the shelter with a great deal of attention from staff and volunteers. It was recommended in the neurological assessment that the shelter could try getting a cart with wheels for him but it seems that he maneuvers around fine without it. That certainly could be an option in the future. He is available for adoption but he could remain at the shelter for the long term if no adopter becomes interested. He is very well loved there and seems very happy.